Large Animal Emergency Rescue Network
Add a Listing to our Database
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Listing Type
Thank you for taking time to add to our database!  This will not only help your organization,
but also assist others in finding you!  Please make your listing as complete as possible.
Click on the Link Below
Rescue Organization: 
(This is for a listing on one of our state or region maps.)

Please include your name, address, service area, contact information including emergency
numbers, e-mail addresses, and web page if available.  Also include information with regard
to the type of services that you offer and the equipment that you have in your cache.  This will
give a full understanding of the type of rescues to which your organization can respond.

Rescue Organization
Rescue Trainers:
Let us know the services that you offer.  While we cannot post schedules directly on our pages,
we can certainly have a link to a schedule on your site or a link to a PDF that you provide to us.

Rescue Trainer
Rescue Equipment:
Equipment listings can be specific for large animal rescue, or any general equipment as long as
it can be used in an animal environment.  You may list specifics or add a link to a web page.

Rescue Equipment
Rescue Publications:
Let us know what you have published.  It can be in a PDF or a link to another web page for a book
or other information.  Be as detailed as possible.

Rescue Publication
If you have a new category or other information that you would like for us to post, let us know here.

General Information